We are Circu, a swimwear and comfortable garments brand founded in 2020, in Alicante, by two sisters eager to show that everything in the fashion industry could be done better, based on sustainable design and good social practices.
We offer positive impact fashion designed for modern women with a conscious lifestyle who are ready to create their own revolution.
We work as a family in Almoradí and each piece is designed and handmade in Alicante. We favor the zero km economy, since 80% of our suppliers are located in the province. The rest of the companies we work with are being drivers for sustainability within the fashion industry on the international scene, which guarantees that we can offer you garments of the highest possible quality and a positive impact on the Planet.
We are inspired and moved by fun, summer and the nostalgia of happy moments. The essence of the design tries to recall past times of the Mediterranean summer on the Costa Blanca, Alicante. The family, the memories, the garden, the light, the beaches, the fruits, the colors, the flowers, the breeze and the sky... we create garments that make you travel to the past through our own prints with a vintage essence, inspiring colors and retro textures.
We work every day to continue improving our commitment and our positive impact on the Planet, society and you #circugirls. Welcome to the sustainable and circular fashion revolution... This has only just begun!
SINCE 2020...

Wie alles begann
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Gemma Martí
Soy Gemma Martí, co-fundadora y digital manager en CIRCU y soy Ingeniera Superior en Telecomunicaciones por la Universidad de Alicante.
Mi experiencia en programación y desarrollo de software, especialmente con Python e Inteligencia Artificial, me ha permitido liderar proyectos tecnológicos y optimizar procesos.
Ahora compagino mi trabajo como desarrolladora en una boutique de Inteligencia Artificial con la gestión técnica y digital de Circu.
Trabajar con mi hermana en CIRCU es unir su pasión y la mía para crear un proyecto que tiene impacto y contribuye a cuidar todo lo que nos rodea.